Strating Prize

The Strating prize is awarded each year to the best written colloquium within the Stratingh Institute.

This award is named after Prof. Dr. Jan Strating (1907 – 1988) and it was established in 1996 by Prof. Albert van Leusen and supported by the Backer Foundation. The winner is awarded € 300 and lunch is organized with all nominees, the selection committee and the board members of the Backer foundation.

The selection criteria are based on the thesis scientific level, critical analysis, readability, layout and quality of illustrations.

On Thursday May 17, the winner of the Strating Award for the best-written colloquium of 2017 was announced. After an introduction on the history of this prestigious prize by Prof Gerard Roelfes, the three nominees that were selected by the selection committee were announced. The committee, consisting of 2 staff members (Marthe Walvoort and Johannes Klein) and 2 PhD students (Balint Fridrich and Steven Wan), ranked the 18 colloquia on criteria like critical analysis and clarity of writing.

The prize for the third place went to Jasper Paauwe for his colloquium entitledChitin as an alternative feedstock for fossil resources based chemicals”. The runner up of this year’s Strating Award was Linda Eijsink, with the colloquium entitled “Why is shea butter yellow?”.  And the winner of the 2017 Strating Award is Ruben Andringa, with the colloquium entitled  “Radical cascades as key-step in natural product synthesis”.  The colloquium was a stunning showcase of the application of radical, it was well-written and with clear figures. The award ceremony was followed by coffee and cake for the members of the Stratingh Institute and a lunch for the members of the H.J. Backer foundation, the selection committee and the three nominees of the Strating prize.

Award winners of previous years


2018- Annemarie Maan

2017- Ruben Andringa

2015 – Ramon van der Vlag

2014 –  Mickel Hansen

2013 –  Antonio Rizza

2012 –  Arjan Geersing

2011 – Jeffrey Buter

2010 – Jos Kistemaker

2009 – Jens Oelerich

2008 – Jort Robertus

2006, 2007 – Hennie Valkenier-van Dijk

2005 – Erica Jellema

2004 – Edwin van der Eide

2003 – Geert-Jan Meppelder

2002 – Richard Jagt

2001 – Rienk Eelkema

2000 – Matthijs ter Wiel

1999 – Jessica Kroeze

1998 – Ferdinand Grozema

1997 – Niek Buurma

1996 – Reinskje Talhout